Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Seohyun!

This is my FAVORITE SNSD member of all time! Not that it's going to affect the way I talk about her in this post... cough. But without Seohyun, SNSD would fall apart because they would be lacking the nicest smile/eyes/facial shape in the entire group! The quality of their music/dancing/performances would not go down by one-ninth, but by EIGHT-NINTHS. But that's just me. Seohyun knows how to play the piano along with the things she does with SNSD (singing/dancing). Seohyun is the youngest of the group, but that doesn't limit her ability to show her talents~!

More about Seohyun under the cut!

Seohyun has a winking problem, but it's funny to watch her try to wink. Watch a video here! Or watch it on Kpop Central:

Aww. But along with being cute, her piano skills are pretty darn impressive. Watch the video here! Or watch it on Kpop Central:

All of us at Kpop Central want to wish Seohyun a very very happy birthday!!


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