Wednesday, June 27, 2012

NU'EST releases album concept photo

NU'EST, who is planned to come back sometime in mid-July, has released a teaser/concept photo for their upcoming album (the album name has not been released).  NU'EST is shown with masks over their faces while an eerie light glows above.

Fans worry that since so many comebacks are happening at the same time that NU'EST will return to the K-pop scene unnoticed.  Hey, let's keep some positivity out there okay?

Guesses for what their album will be about, anyone?
My guesses are (according to the lighting + masks):
1. Confines of society and its narrow scope
2. Importance of self-identity and individualism
3. Beauty lies within
4. What society wants of us and what we want

LOL. Are those even appropriate guesses?

Source: Pledis Entertainment


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